姓 名:梁荣柱
籍 贯:广东 阳江
职 称:副研究员/硕士生导师
学 位: 工学博士
邮 箱:liangcug@163.com
地 址:湖北省武汉市洪山区鲁磨路388号澳门新莆京游戏大厅
邮 编:430074
2011.9~2016.6 浙江大学 岩土工程 获工学博士学位
2007.9~2011.6 中国地质大学(武汉) 勘查技术与工程 获工学学士学位
2016.12~至今 澳门新莆京游戏大厅 勘察与基础工程系 副研究员、硕士生导师
浙江省科技专家库评审专家;湖北省科技专家库评审专家;《Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology》、《Arabian Journal of Geosciences》、《Marine Georesources & Geotechnology》、《European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering》、《Applied Mathematical Modelling》、《Soils dynamics and earthquake engineering》、《Ocean engineering》、《Transportation Geotechnics》、《Underground space》、《北京交通大学学报》、《岩土力学》、《岩土工程学报》、《中国公路学报》、《振动与冲击》、《隧道建设(中英文)》、《水利水运工程学报》、《现代隧道技术》、《地球科学与环境学报》等刊物审稿人。
可招收专业硕士学位专业和学术硕士生: 地质工程,土木工程,建筑与土木工程。
1. 品行端正,为人踏实,热爱科研,具有一定的数学和力学基础。
3. 大学英语四级过500分,英语六级通过者优先。
1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:紧邻深开挖下盾构隧道水土压力及承载机制研究,41807262,25万,主持,在研, 2019.1-2021.12。
2. 湖北省自然科学基金面上类青年项目:考虑管片环间接头剪切效应的紧邻深开挖诱发盾构隧道灾变演化机制,2018CFB179,5万,主持,在研, 2018.1-2019.12。
3. 中央高校基本业务费专项基金资助项目:紧邻深开挖下盾构隧道接头灾变机制研究,CUG170647,20万元,主持,在研, 2017/01-2019/12。
4. 同济大学岩土及地下工程教育部重点实验室开放基金项目:盾构掘进对相邻砌体结构及桩基受力与变形的影响研究及控制技术 ,No.KLE-TJGE-B1402 ,5万,参与,已结题。
1. 长安大学委托项目:地裂缝隧道影响,2017.10.23-2018.12.30,主持,结题。
2. 上海建工集团股份有限公司委托项目:盾构开挖作用下邻近既有结构受力特性模型试验, 2018.5.1-2018.10.30,主持,在研。
3. 武汉市政建设集团隧道工程公司委托项目:长江I级阶地既有地铁车站近接冻结法及超深基坑开挖施工影响研究,2018.8-2021.8,主持,在研。
4. 上海建工集团股份有限公司委托项目:地下结构水平拓展管幕暗挖可靠性及局部防水试验,2018.11-2019.5,主持,在研。
5. 上海建工集团股份有限公司委托项目:基于透明黏土的盾构开挖失稳扰动模型试验研究,2019.7-2020.12,主持,在研。
6. 广西大学合作项目:基于土体受力状态的土压力与应变技术研究,2019.7-2021.11,主持,在研。
7. 上海建工集团股份有限公司委托项目:运营期超浅埋盾构隧道模型试验,2020.1-2021.6,主持,在研。
8. 中铁第四勘察设计研究院委托项目:单桩竖向刚度模型研究,2017.11.26-2019.10.31,参与,结题。
[1] Liang Rongzhu*, Xia Tangdai, Lin Cungang, Yu Feng, Wu Shiming. Initial Excess Pore Water Pressures Induced by Tunnelling in Soft Ground[J]. Journal of Central South University, 2015, 22(11): 4300-4309.
[2] Liang Rongzhu*, Xia Tangdai, Hong Yi, Yu Feng. Effects of above-crossing tunnelling on the existing shield tunnels[J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2016, 58:159-176.
[3] Liang Rongzhu*, Xia Tangdai, Huang Maosong, Lin Cungang. Simplified method for evaluating the effects of adjacent excavation on shield tunnel considering the shearing effect[J]. Computers and Geotechnics. 2017, 81(1): 167-187.
[4] Liang RongZhu*, Wu Wenbing, Yu Feng, Jiang Guosheng, Liu Juwei. Simplified method for evaluating tunnels deformation due to adjacent excavation [J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 2018, 71(1): 94-105.
[5] Liang Rongzhu*. Simplified analytical method for evaluating the effects of overcrossing tunnelling on existing shield tunnels using the nonlinear Pasternak foundation model[J]. Soils and Foundations, 2019, 59(6): 1711-1727.
[6]Liang Rongzhu*, Kang Cheng, Xiang Liming et al. Responses of in-service shield tunnel to overcrossing tunnelling in soft ground[J].Environmental Earth Sciences, 2021, 80(5):183-198.
[7]Liang Rongzhu, Wu Jin, Sun Lianwei*, Shen Wen, Wu Wenbing. Performances of adjacent metro structures due to zoned excavation of a large-scale basement in soft ground[J].Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2021, 117(11): 104123.
[8] Wei Shi, Liang Rongzhu*, Mei Guoxiong, El Naggar M H, Sun Lianwei, Jia Jinqing, Bao Xaiohua, Wu Xiaojian, Wu Wenbing, Experimental investigation on the deformation characteristics of locking-steel- pipe (LSP) pile retaining structure during excavation in sand[J]. Underground Space, 2022, 7(6): 1098-1114.
[9] Zhang Zhiwei , Liang Rongzhu*, Li Zhongchao ,Kang Cheng , El Naggar M. H. ,Xiao Mingzhao , Wu Wenbing . Analytical solution for the longitudinal deformation of existing shield tunnel to overcrossing tunnelling[J]. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering,2022 (Accepted)
[10] Liu H, Jiang G, El Naggar M H, Wu W*, Mei G, Liang R. Influence of soil plug effect on the torsional dynamic response of a pipe pile[J]. Journal of Sound Vibration, 2017, 410:231-248.
[11] Liu H, Wu W*,Yan X, Jiang G, El Naggar M H, Mei G, Liang R. Detection sensitivity analysis of pipe pile defects during low-strain integrity testing [J]. Ocean Engineering, 2019, 194, 106627
[12] Li Lichen, Wu Wenbing, , El Naggar M H, Mei Guoxiong, Liang R. DEM analysis of the sand plug behavior during the installation process of open-ended pile[J]. Computers and Geotechincs, 2019, 109: 23-33.
[13] Wu Wenbing, Liu Hao, Yang Xiaoyan, Jiang Guosheng, El Naggar M H, Mei Guoxiong, Liang R. New method to calculate apparent phase velocity of open-ended pipe pile[J]. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, online(DOI:10.1139/CGJ-2018-0816)
[14] Wu Wenbing, Zong Mengfan, El Naggar M H, Mei Guoxiong, Liang R. Analytical solution for one-dimensional consolidation of double-layered soil with exponentially time-growing drainage boundary[J]. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2018, 14(10): 1-11.
[15] Huang, S., Lin, J., Huang, Q, Liang, R. 2020. An Emerging Method Using Electromagnetic Wave Computed Tomography for the Detection of Karst Caves[J] Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10706-019-01180-w
[16] Li, Lichen, Wenbing Wu, M. Hesham El Naggar, Mei Guoxiong, Liang Rongzhu. Characterization of a Jointed Rock Mass Based on Fractal Geometry Theory[J]. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2019, 78(8): 6101-6110.
[17] Liu, H., Wu, W., Jiang, G., El Naggar, M. H., Mei, G., Liang, R. Benefits from using two receivers for interpretation of low-strain integrity tests on pipe piles[J]. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2019 56(10): 1433-1447. doi:10.1139/cgj-2018-0406
[18] Wu, P., Guo, Y., Zhu, D., Jin, W., Zhang, Z., Liang R. Flexural performances of prestressed high strength concrete piles reinforced with hybrid GFRP and steel bars[J]. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 2019, 1-9. doi:10.1080/1064119X.2019.1600081
[19]Sun, M., Zong, M., Ma, S., Wu, W., Liang, R. Analytical solution for one-dimensional consolidation of soil with exponentially time-growing drainage boundary under a ramp load. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2018, 1-10. doi:10.1155/2018/9385615
[20] Liu, H., Wu, W., Jiang, G., El Naggar, M. H., Mei, G., Liang, R. Influence of soil plug effect on the vertical dynamic response of large diameter pipe piles[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2018: 157, 13-25. doi:10.1016/ j.oceaneng. 2018. 03. 008
[21]Sun Lianwei, Li Zhongchao, Liang Rongzhu*. Simplified Analytical Method for Predicting the Lateral Ground Displacements due to Shield Tunnelling[J]. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2021, Article ID 5524557.
2014 年度
[1]梁荣柱,潘金龙*,林存刚,单华锋,孙廉威. 软土地区盾构施工沉降界限[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版),2014, 48(7) : 1148-1154. ( EI期刊, T4)
[2] 林存刚*,夏唐代,梁荣柱,吴世明. 盾构掘进地面沉降虚拟镜像算法[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2014, 36(8): 1438-1446. ( EI期刊, T4)
[3] 林存刚*,刘干斌,梁荣柱,夏唐代. 隧道坡度对盾构掘进引起地面隆陷的影响[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2014, 36(7): 1203-1212. ( EI期刊, T4)
[4]伍程杰,俞峰,龚晓南,林存刚,梁荣柱.开挖卸荷对既有群桩竖向承载性状的影响分析[J].岩土力学, 2014, 35(09): 2602-2608.( EI期刊, T4)
[1]梁荣柱*,夏唐代,林存刚,俞峰. 盾构推进引起地表变形及深层土体水平位移分析[J]. 岩石力学与工程学报,2015, 34(3): 583-593. ( EI期刊, T4) (2018年《岩石力学与工程学报》“陈宗基”优秀论文提名奖)
[2] 梁荣柱*,夏唐代,林存刚,吴 昊,俞 峰. 软土地区盾构停机实测分析[J].现代隧道技术, 2015, 52(1): 184-189. ( EI期刊, T4)
[3] 梁荣柱*,夏唐代,林存刚,孟万斌. 软土地区盾构施工竖向姿态控制研究[J]. 现代隧道技术, 2015, 52(5): 152-157. ( EI期刊, T4)
[4] 梁荣柱,夏唐代*,林存刚,孟万斌,吴昊. 软土地区土压平衡盾构反扭矩分析[J]. 中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 46(10): 3815-3821. ( EI期刊, T4)
[1]梁荣柱,夏唐代*,胡军华,罗 岚. 新建隧道近距离上穿施工对既有地铁隧道纵向变形分析[J]. 岩土力学, 2016, 37(s1): 391-399.(EI刊源, T4)
[2]张润峰*,梁荣柱,张献民,薛新华.下穿既有建筑期间盾构施工参数分析[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版),2016,50(3): 551-558. ( EI期刊, T4)
[1]梁荣柱,林存刚*,夏唐代,吴世明. 考虑剪切效应的基坑开挖对邻近隧道纵向变形分析[J]. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2017, 36(1):223-233. (EI期刊, T4)
[2]张润峰*,梁荣柱,张献民. 盾构掘进引起邻近桩基水平附加荷载分析[J]. 中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 48(2): 473-483. ( EI期刊, T4)
[3]夏唐代, 程康, 黄睿, 单华峰, 梁荣柱.考虑层间剪切作用的挡墙主动土压力分析[J].工业建筑,2017,47(10): 98-103.(核心期刊)
[1]梁荣柱,宗梦繁,康成,吴文兵*,方宇翔,夏唐代,程康.考虑隧道剪切效应的隧道下穿对既有盾构隧道的纵向影响[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版),2018,52(3):420-430. (EI期刊, T4)
[2]康成, 梅国雄, 梁荣柱*, 吴文兵, 方宇翔, 柯宅邦. 地表临时堆载诱发下既有盾构隧道纵向变形分析[J].岩土力学,2018, 39(12):4605-4616. ( EI期刊, T4)
[3]宗梦繁, 吴文兵, 梅国雄, 梁荣柱, 田乙. 连续排水边界条件下土体一维非线性固结解析解[J].岩石力学与工程学报, 2018, 37(12): 2829-2838.( EI期刊, T4)
[4]刘浩,吴文兵,蒋国盛,梅国雄,梁荣柱,官文杰.土塞效应对管桩低应变测试视波速的影响研究[J].岩土工程学报, 2019, 41(02): 383-389.( EI期刊, T4)
[5]刘浩, 蒋国盛, 梅国雄, 梁荣柱, 吴文兵.基于附加质量模型的管桩扭转振动研究[J].岩土工程学报, 2018, 40(4): 716-725. ( EI期刊, T4)
[6]程康,俞帆,梁荣柱,林存刚,夏唐代,徐日庆 .考虑桩基剪切效应的盾构开挖对邻近桩基水平向变形分析[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2018, 40(S2): 178-182.( EI期刊, T4)
[7]程康, 夏唐代, 梁荣柱, 冯苏阳, 徐日庆,王新刚.盾构开挖下邻近既有桩基的竖向响应分析[J].岩土工程学报, 2018, 40(S2): 42-46.( EI期刊, T4)
[1]黄亮, 梁荣柱*,吴小建,孙廉威,张莉, 吴文兵. 类矩形盾构隧道纵向抗弯刚度分析[J].岩土工程学报, 2019, 41(11): 2094-2102.( EI期刊, T4)
[2]宗梦繁, 吴文兵, 梅国雄, 梁荣柱, 田乙. 连续排水边界条件下土体一维流变固结解析解[J].工程力学, 2019, 36(09): 79-88.( EI期刊, T4)
[3]官文杰, 吴文兵, 蒋国盛, 梁荣柱, 徐宝军.低承台管桩纵向自由振动特性分析[J].振动与冲击, 2019, 38(17): 32-44.( EI期刊, T4)
[4]朱振南, 蒋国盛, 田红, 吴文兵, 梁荣柱, 窦斌.基于Normal分布的岩石统计热损伤本构模型研究[J].中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2019, 50(06):1411-1418. ( EI期刊, T4)
[5]杨松,张莉,李立辰,张靖坤,梁荣柱,吴文兵.基于能量法的超长桩屈曲稳定影响因素分析[J].长江科学院院报, 2019, 36(05): 91-98.( EI期刊, T4)
[6]李称, 吴文兵, 梅国雄, 宗梦繁, 梁荣柱.不同排水条件下城市固废一维降解固结解析解[J].岩土力学, 2019, 40(08): 3071-3080+3089.( EI期刊, T4)
[7]方宇翔,田乙,康成,吴文兵,梁荣柱*.循环荷载作用下不均质地层中盾构隧道纵向响应研究[J].地震工程学报, 2019, 41(01):42-50.( EI期刊, T4)
[8]田乙,吴文兵*,梅国雄,蒋国盛,梁荣柱.真空预压处理填埋污泥的固结解析解[J].岩土工程学报, 2019, 41(08):1481-1488.( EI期刊, T4)
[9]柯宅邦, 梁荣柱*,童智能,乐腾胜,郭杨. 地表堆载下盾构隧道纵向非线性变形简化解析解[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2019, 41(s1): 245-248.( EI期刊, T4)
[1]徐日庆, 程康,应宏伟,林存刚,梁荣柱,冯苏阳. 考虑埋深与剪切效应的基坑卸荷下卧隧道的形变响应[J]. 岩土力学, 2020, 41(s1):195-207.( EI期刊, T4)
[2]程康, 徐日庆, 应宏伟*, 梁荣柱, 林存刚, 甘晓露. 既有隧道在上覆基坑荷载下的形变响应简化计算[J]. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2020, 39(3): 637-648.( EI期刊, T4)
[3]范小雪, 李原, 吴文兵, 陈耀春, 王新国, 刘浩, 梁荣柱. 饱和土中大直径缺陷桩水平振动响应研究[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2020,39(02):413-423. ( EI期刊, T4)
[4]康成, 叶超, 梁荣柱, 孙廉威, 方宇翔, 吴文兵.基坑开挖诱发下卧盾构隧道纵向非线性变形研究[J].岩石力学与工程学报, 2020, 39(11): 2341-2350.( EI期刊, T4)
[5]韦实,邓成龙,梁荣柱,王新新*,吴小建,孙廉威. 基于3D打印的锁口钢管桩围护结构变形特性试验研究[J]. 岩石力学与工程学报,2020,39(S2):3676-3686.( EI期刊, T4)
[6]贺振昭,杨新,叶超,李忠超,梁荣柱*,蔡兵华,肖铭钊,吴文兵. 地铁深基坑内支撑结构优化分析[J].安全与环境工程,2021, 28(1):68-78.( EI期刊, T4)
[7]程康, 徐日庆, 林存刚, 段诺, 冯苏阳, 梁荣柱. 既有单桩在邻近基坑开挖下的水平向响应简化分析[J].浙江大学学报(工学版), 2020, 54(01): 91-101. ( EI期刊, T4)
[8]程康, 徐日庆, 林存刚, 梁荣柱, 单华峰, 赵明.挡墙任意变位模式诱发周围土体水平位移的简化算法[J].浙江大学学报(工学版), 2020, 54(05): 899-908. ( EI期刊, T4)
[9]罗雄文, 张文广, 梁荣柱*. 双孔隧道中后掘进盾构对地表沉降的影响[J].公路交通科技, 2020, 37(09): 82-89.
[1] 董龙龙, 吴文兵, 梁荣柱, 刘浩, 梅国雄, 杨紫健. 基于指数模型的能源桩长期响应研究[J]. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2021, 40(03): 629-639. ( EI期刊, T4)
[2] 官文杰, 吴文兵, 蒋国盛, 梁荣柱, 刘浩. 饱和土中非完全黏结管桩纵向振动特性研究[J].湖南大学学报(自然科学版), 2021, 48(01): 46-58. ( EI期刊, T4)
[3] 叶超, 李忠超, 梁荣柱*, 肖铭钊, 蔡兵华, 吴文兵. 地下水含盐量对人工冻结效果影响分析[J].水利水运工程学报, 2021(02):78-86.
[4] 贺振昭, 杨新, 叶超, 李忠超, 梁荣柱*,蔡兵华,肖铭钊,吴文兵.地铁深基坑内支撑结构优化分析[J].安全与环境工程, 2021, 28(01): 68-78.
[5] 梁荣柱, 王凯超, 黄亮, 孙廉威*, 李忠超, 张莉, 吴小建.类矩形盾构隧道纵向等效抗弯刚度解析解[J].岩土工程学报, 2021.(网络首发)( EI期刊, T4)
[6] 张志伟,梁荣柱*,高坤,李忠超,肖铭钊,郭杨,乐腾胜,吴文兵. 考虑管片环间接头弱化的新建隧道上穿引起既有盾构隧道纵向变形分析[J]. 岩石力学与工程学报(增刊录用)( EI期刊, T4)
[7] 梁荣柱, 王凯超, 黄亮, 孙廉威*, 李忠超, 张莉, 吴小建.类矩形盾构隧道纵向等效抗弯刚度解析解[J].岩土工程学报, 2021,44(02):212-223.( EI期刊, T4)
[8] 王理想,梁荣柱*,李忠超,康成,肖铭钊,吴文兵,高坤,郭杨. 基坑上跨开挖诱发既有盾构隧道隆起变形研究[J]. 工程力学(录用)( EI期刊, T4)
[1]张志伟, 梁荣柱*, 高坤, 李忠超, 肖铭钊, 郭杨, 乐腾胜, 吴文兵. 考虑管片环间接头弱化的新建隧道上穿引起既有盾构隧道纵向变形分析[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2022,41(S1):2955-2970.
[3]宗梦繁,李传勋,吴文兵,田乙,梁荣柱,梅国雄.堆载–电渗联合作用下双层地基1维固结解析解[J].工程科学与技术,2022,54(02):170-179.( EI期刊, T4)
宗梦繁,田乙,梁荣柱,吴文兵,徐美娟,梅国雄.基于连续排水边界的土体一维非线性固结分析(英文)[J].Journal of Central South University,2022,29(01):270-281.( SCI期刊, T4)
[4]李忠超,白天麒,梁荣柱*, 肖铭钊, 蔡兵华,叶超,吴文兵.富水粉细砂层水平冻结效果试验及数值模拟[J].工业建筑, 2022, 52(2):1-9.
[11]梁荣柱,王理想,李忠超,康成,高坤,柯宅邦. 地表堆载对既有盾构隧道纵向变形影响[J].建筑科学与工程学报(录用待刊)
[12]高 坤,张志伟,梁荣柱*,李忠超,田洪峰.新建隧道近接上穿对既有盾构隧道纵向变形的影响分析[J]. 安全与环境工程, 2022(录用待刊)
[13]高 坤,苏校锋,张志伟,梁荣柱*,李忠超,郭杨,乐腾胜.新建隧道上穿诱发既有盾构隧道纵向隆起分析[J].隧道建设(中英文), 2022(录用待刊)
[14]于东东,李忠超,梁荣柱*,张志伟,梅娇鑫,肖铭钊,吴文兵.层状地基新建隧道上穿引起盾构隧道纵向变形耦合分析[J].隧道建设(中英文), 2022(录用待刊)
[15]韦实、梁荣柱*、李忠超、陈峰军、邓成龙、吴小建、孙廉威; 基于3D打印的PC工法桩基坑围护结构变形特性模型试验研究[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2022,(增刊录用待刊)
[1]阮恒丰,梁荣柱*,康成,李忠超,柯宅邦. 地表突发堆载诱发下运营盾构隧道的变形机制三维精细化数值模拟研究[J].安全与环境工程,2023, 30(1): 35-45+77.
[2]张志伟,梁荣柱*,李忠超,孙廉威,沈雯,吴文兵.盾尾非对称推力作用下盾构隧道纵向变形分析[J].岩土力学,2023,44(1): 88-98.
序号 |
已授权专利名称 |
专利授权国 |
专利号 |
授权公告日 |
排名/人数 |
1 |
盾构隧道结构受力变形室内模型试验装置 |
中国 |
ZL2018021002788X |
2019/1/18 |
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2 |
一种模拟不同受力条件下隧道管环受力变形的实验装置 |
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ZL201822136811.0 |
2019/9/17 |
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测量隧道水土压力分布及隧道变形规律的实验装置 |
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地铁车站底部冻结施工对车站结构影响的模拟系统 |
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ZL201822182545.5 |
2019/10/25 |
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5 |
模拟盾构开挖失稳对管线影响的试验装置 |
中国 |
ZL201820919372.8 |
2019/1/11 |
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6 |
富水粉细砂地层冻结法施工效果模拟系统 |
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ZL201822183916.1 |
2019/11/26 |
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7 |
一种多瓣梅花形桩的横截面构建方法、异形桩及制作方法 |
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ZL201710833674.3 |
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一种管桩与土塞接触面循环剪切试验装置及方法 |
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ZL201810073691.6 |
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管桩中土塞承载特性研究试验装置及方法 |
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ZL201810210797.6 |
2019/11/15 |
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10 |
一种环箍式扭转激振装置及其测量桩参量并求解相应虚拟时域响应曲线的方法 |
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ZL201610497755.5 |
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11 |
一种类矩形盾构隧道纵向等效抗弯刚度的确定方法 |
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一种施工现场智慧车辆围栏管理方法 |
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13 |
一种管桩沉桩过程中土塞性状变化的可视化设备 |
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ZL201920428685.8 |
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一种岩土工程可视化侧向开挖分层模型试验箱 |
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一种地基失稳形式和过程的可视化模型装置 |
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16 |
一种自动十字板剪切仪 |
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2020.4.10 |
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17 |
-一种新建隧道上穿引起既有盾构隧道纵向变形的高精度预测方法 |
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ZL202110646285.6 |
2022.4.22 |
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18 |
一种地表突发堆载引起盾构隧道纵向变形的高效预测方法 |
中国 |
ZL202110646110.5 |
2022.4.22 |
1/10 |
1.汪小南,梁荣柱,李忠超,霍超,程华强.矩形顶管上穿既有地铁隧道卸荷平衡施工工法HBGF522-2022, 湖北省住房与城乡建设厅,2023
2.汪小南,梁荣柱,李忠超,曾辉,黄超群. 承压富水砂层冻结管防喷涌施工工法HBGF523-2022,湖北省住房与城乡建设厅,2023
3.李忠超,梁荣柱,刘海锐,彭静,何顺达. 富水砂层条件下利用清障井破除既有地铁车站地连墙施工工法HBGF525-2022, 湖北省住房与城乡建设厅,2023.2.7
Rongzhu Liang
Date of birth: 11/10/1988
Degree: Ph.D
Major: Geotechnical Engineering
E-mail: liangcug@163.com
School: Faculty of Engineering, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, Hubei, China
Address:No.388 Lumo Road, Hongshan District, Wuhan, Hubei, 430074, China
Ø 09/2011-06/2016
Doctor of Engineering in Geotechnical Engineering
Supervisor: Professor Tangdai Xia(Ph.D.)
College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University
Thesis title: Research on the environmental effects of soft ground shield-driven tunnel and its responses to adjacent excavation
Ø 09/2007-06/2011
Bachelor of Engineering in Exploration Technology and Engineering (Foundation Engineering)
Faculty of Engineering, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
Research Interests
Ø Shield tunnel responses to adjacent constructions
Ø Environmental effects of shield tunnelling in soft ground
Ø Pipeline structure safety analysis
Ø Pile bearing capacity analysis and the dynamic responses of pile foundation
Ø Transparent soil modelling test
Ø Green supporting system in deep excavation
Ø Consolidation theory and ground improvement
Ø December, 2016-present
Engineering Faculty, China University of Geosciences, wuhan
Position: associated researcher, M.sc Supervisor.
List of Journal articles
English Journal articles
[1] Liang Rongzhu*, Xia Tangdai, Lin Cungang, Yu Feng, Wu Shiming, 2015.Initial Excess Pore Water Pressures Induced by Tunnelling in Soft Ground. Journal of Central South University, 22(11): 4300-4309. (SCI, EI)
[2] Liang Rongzhu*, Xia Tangdai, Hong Yi, Yu Feng, 2016.Effects of above-crossing tunnelling on the existing shield tunnels. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 58:159-176. (SCI, EI)
[3] Liang Rongzhu*, Xia Tangdai, Huang Maosong, Lin Cungang, 2017. Simplified method for evaluating the effects of adjacent excavation on shield tunnel considering the shearing effect, Computers and Geotechnics. 81: 167-187. (SCI, EI)
[4] Liang RongZhu*, Wu Wenbing, Yu Feng, Jiang Guosheng, Liu Juwei, 2018 Simplified method for evaluating tunnels deformation due to adjacent excavation [J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 71(1): 94-105. (SCI, EI) (Top ten most downloaded article in TUST, 2018)
[5] Liang Rongzhu*. Simplified analytical method for evaluating the effects of overcrossing tunnelling on existing shield tunnels using the nonlinear Pasternak foundation model[J]. Soils and Foundations, 2019, 59(6): 1711-1727.
[6] Liu H, Jiang G, El Naggar M H, Wu W*, Mei G, Liang R. Influence of soil plug effect on the torsional dynamic response of a pipe pile[J]. Journal of Sound Vibration, 2017, 410:231-248.
[7] Liu H, Wu W*,Yan X, Jiang G, El Naggar M H, Mei G, Liang R. Detection sensitivity analysis of pipe pile defects during low-strain integrity testing [J]. Ocean Engineering, 2019, 194, 106627
[8] Li Lichen, Wu Wenbing, , El Naggar M H, Mei Guoxiong, Liang R. DEM analysis of the sand plug behavior during the installation process of open-ended pile[J]. Computers and Geotechincs, 2019, 109: 23-33.
[9] Wu Wenbing, Liu Hao, Yang Xiaoyan, Jiang Guosheng, El Naggar M H, Mei Guoxiong, Liang R. New method to calculate apparent phase velocity of open-ended pipe pile[J]. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, online(DOI:10.1139/CGJ-2018-0816)
[10] Wu Wenbing, Zong Mengfan, El Naggar M H, Mei Guoxiong, Liang R. Analytical solution for one-dimensional consolidation of double-layered soil with exponentially time-growing drainage boundary[J]. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2018, 14(10): 1-11.
Chinese Journal articles
[1] Liang Rong-zhu, Pan Jin-long*, Lin Cun-gang, Shan Hua-feng, Sun Lian-wei. Settlement boundary induced by shield tunnelling in soft ground, Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science), 48(7): 1148-1154+1201. (EI source journal)
[2] Liang Rong-zhu*, Xia Tang-dai, Lin Cun-gang, et al, 2015, Analysis of ground surface displacement and horizontal movement of deep soils induced by shield advancing [J]. Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 34(3): 583-593. (EI source journal)
[3] Liang Rong-zhu*, Xia Tang-dai, Lin Cun-gang, Meng Wan-bin. 2015. Control of the shield’s vertical attitude during shield tunnelling in soft soils, Modern tunneling technology, 52(5):152-157+183. (EI source journal)
[4] Liang Rong-zhu*, Xia Tangdai, Lin Cungang, Wu Hao, Yu Feng. 2015. Analysis of Ground Response to Shield shutdown in Soft Clay, Modern tunneling technology, 52(1): 184-189. (EI source journal)
[5] Liang Rong-zhu, Xia Tang-dai*, Wu Hao, Lin Cun-gang, Meng Wan-bin.2015. Analysis of reverse torque of EPB shield tunnelling in soft ground, Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology), 46(10): 3814-3821. (EI source journal)
[6] Liang Rong-zhu, Lin Cun-gang*, Xia Tang-dai, et al. 2017. Analysis of the longitudinal deformation of tunnels due to pit excavation considering the tunnel shearing effect. Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 36(1): 223-233. (EI source journal)
[7] Liang Rong-zhu, Xia Tang-dai*, Hu Jun-hua, Luo Lan. 2016. Analysis of longitudinal displacement of existing metro tunnel due to construction of above-crossing new tunnel in close distance. Rock and Soil Mechanics, 37(Supp.1): 391-399. (EI source journal)
[8] Liang Rong-zhu*, ZONG Meng-fan, KANG Cheng, WU wen-bing, FANG Yu-xiang, XIA Tang-dai, CHENG Kang. 2018. Existing shield tunnel responses to down-crossing tunnelling considering the shield tunnel shearing effect, Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science), 5(3): 420-430+472. (EI source journal)
[9] Huang Liang, Liang Rong-zhu*, WU Xiao-jian, SUN Lian-wei4, ZHANG Li, WU Wen-bing. 2019. Analyses on the longitudinal bending stiffness of quasi-rectangular shield tunnel, Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 41(11): 2094-2102. (EI source journal)
[10] Ke Zhai-bang, Liang Rong-zhu*, Tong Zhi-neng, Yue Teng-sheng, Guo Yang. 2019. Simplified analytical solution for nonlinear longitudinal deformation of shield tunnels under surface surcharge, Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 41(supp 1): 245-248. (EI source journal)
[11] Kang Cheng, Mei Guoxiong, Liang Rong-zhu*, et al. 2018.Analysis on the longitudinal deformation of existing shield tunnel induced by temporary surface surcharge[J]. Rock and Soil Mechanics, 39(12): 4605. (EI source journal)
[12] Zhang Run-feng*, Liang Rong-zhu, Zhang Xian-min, Xue Xin-hua. 2016. Analysis on shield construction parameters during down-crossing existing buildings, Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science), 50(3):551-558. (EI source journal)
[13] Zhang Run-feng*, Liang Rong-zhu, Zhang Xian-min, 2017. Analysis on the lateral additional loads on adjacent pile induced by shield advancing, Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology),48(2): 473-483. (EI source journal)
[14] CHENG Kang, XU Riqing, YING Hongwei, LIANG Rongzhu, LIN Cungang, GAN Xiaolu. Simplified method for evaluting deformation responses of existing tunnels due to overlying basement excavation[J]. Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 2020, 39(3): 17-17. (EI source journal)
Note: * represents corresponding author.
Scientific research projects
1.Water-earth pressure and bearing capacity mechanism of shield tunnel due to adjacent deep excavation, project Supported by The National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.41807262)
01/2019-12/2022 Position: Project Leader
2. Research on the water-earth pressure on the shield tunnel and the capacity mechanism of segmental lining under large surface surcharge, project Supported by The National Science Foundation for Post-doctoral Scientist of China (No.2019M653308)
06/2019-6/2021 Position: Project Leader
3. Disaster mechanism of shield tunnel due to adjacent deep excavation considering the segmental joint shearing effect, project supported by the Science and technology department of Hubei Province (No. 2018CFB179)
01/2018-12/2019 Position: Project Leader
1. 2016 Excellent graduate student award, Department of Education of Zhejiang Province
2. 2016 Excellent postgraduate student award, Zhejiang University
3.2015 Asahi Kasei Scholarship, Zhejiang University
4.2014 and 2015, Award of Honor for Graduate, Zhejiang University
5. 2009 President scholarship of CUG, China university of Geosciences, wuhan
Journal Reviewer
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Soils dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Ocean Engineering, Transportation Geotechnics.